By Use – Caskets

Panels used to manufacture caskets needs to be eco-friendly so the caskets can be burned or buried without concerns around contamination. The MDF panels are, largely, pressed one face and remain stable when processed through the factory and made into caskets.

  • by use caskets

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DecorPanel melamine impregnated paper laminates are ideal for furniture, shelving, wall linings, and display cabinets.  High quality and extremely versatile, DecorPanel is used in Compac Home and Compac Commercial furniture products, and by other manufacturers. The woodgrain finish options capture the visual appeal and tactile characteristics of natural wood.

Minimum order 50 sheets.

8 colours.


An MDF substrate laminated with a paper laminate, RecoatPanel is a specialist casket, furniture, and display cabinet panel. Uniquely designed for over-spraying with a high gloss or lacquered finish on completion, it delivers a superbly glossy finish with the option of staining for a stand-out, custom look.

Available in 4 colours.